0330 058 2025
They can give you information on the particular brands that are stocked at Holland & Barrett, including Bootea, Dr Organic, Precision Engineered, Manuka Doctor, Good n Natural and Miaroma.
When you call this number you request information on particular brands in your nearest stores, as well as their chilled or frozen sections in the store too.
Calling this number will also give you information on making orders online, if you are currently experiencing problems.
They can also give you information on new launches that may be coming into stores, and such products that are made for vegans or those who have intolerances or allergies.
Customer Care
The customer service representative can assist you with issues like deliveries, placing an order online, how to return products, and making repeat orders – which are perfect for convenience if you’d like a consistent supply of a particular product.
Holland & Barrett Card
They will be able to assist you if you have lost or had your card stolen. They will also be able to give you information on how many points you currently have saved up, as well as information when your next coupons are due. If you are currently experiencing problems with the Rewards for Life app or your online account, you can call this number and they will be able to help solve the problem.
When you call this number the customer service member will take note of your complaint and discuss how you would like it to be resolved. Typically complaints will need to be reviewed, so you may not have it resolved in the first phone call that you make. But Holland and Barrett will aim to do their utmost to ensure you’re left feeling satisfied with the outcome.
When you call this number they will be able to tell you if there currently any vacancies in your area, if you give them your address. They can also inform you of any head office jobs or other stores around the UK if you so wish. The representative can inform you as to when the job application date closes and what is needed for you to apply for the vacancy.
Store Locator
The Holland & Barrett team member will be able to give you information on your nearest store, how far it is away from you, and the types of products and brands that are available to buy at this store. The information you will need to give is your address, so they can find the best store for your location.