How to be an interesting date

Taryn Davies
Published: April 13, 2017

Dating can be hard, in fact, it can be a minefield and sometimes the lure of staying in with your creature comforts sounds much more appealing, especially if there’s a chance it’s going to be a dull date.

With the help of India Kang, we’ve assembled some tips to guarantee you’re always a good and interesting date... The one thing we can’t promise, however, is that the other person on the date will be.

India Kang is a dating and relationship coach she shares her advice below:

How to be an interesting date

How to be an interesting date

A ‘date’ is no different to let’s say, an interview or a new business meeting. In all these scenarios,’ you’re effectively meeting with a ‘stranger.’  Treat ‘dating’ in exactly the same way. A rule of thumb I give my clients is that ‘if you wouldn’t do it at an interview, don’t do it on a date.  What I mean is that, within the dating context, normal social rules and etiquette apply.  Here are some ways to be an interesting date:

  • Arrive on time, if you’re running late, be sure to let the other person know
  • Mind your manners
  • Be accommodating, if they have a restaurant or a bar in mind, go with the flow and give it a try
  • Listen to what the other person is saying and try not to interrupt
  • Aim to make a first good impression. Make an effort with your dress and adhere to good grooming
  • Stay away from no-go topics such as politics, religion, and sex. Instead focus on each other interests, books, movies, holidays, theatre, and sport etc.
  • Make them feel warm about themselves, what I mean, is, don’t criticise anything; not their dress sense, choice of restaurant or their interests.
  • Smile, be polite and stay positive
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