A review of popular anti-ageing methods

Taryn Davies
Published: June 26, 2017

Anti-Aging has become a thriving business for doctors, cosmeticians, and manufacturers alike. Everywhere you turn, there is an advertisement telling you why you need their product or service to look younger. It can be confusing as to which ones really work and which ones don't. Here are some of the more popular methods to help you find the right treatment for your skin.

Anti-Ageing Creams

There are an incredible number of anti-aging creams and serums on the market for consumers to select from. The question of “Do they work?” is dependent on understanding certain facts. For someone who does not use moisturising lotions as part of their daily skin regimen, using an anti-aging cream with moisturisers inside the bottle can make a noticeable difference. However, that doesn't make it an anti-aging product. For a topical cream to be an anti-aging product, it must contain an anti-aging ingredient such as pentapeptides or collagen. Those creams that do contain anti-aging ingredients are applied topically and most are not very effective at all. Skin tightening lotions must be reapplied regularly to maintain the appearance. If you don't mind applying the cream daily and your skin only shows mild signs of ageing, this is a good option.

Chemical Peels

By applying a chemical solution to the skin, facial peels remove dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. The solution is applied and left on for a short period of time, then removed. Chemical peels range from mild to strong, which means the results range as well. Mild facials are great for giving the skin a fresh glow and can be repeated once every three to four weeks. The light peels are extremely popular as they are quick and inexpensive. Moderate peels should not be repeated more often than once every three to six months and have a longer recovery time. Deep peels use the strongest chemicals and should not be repeated more often than once a year. The deep peels have a long recovery time and carry the most risk of possible infection. Not all skin types or tones are good candidates for this treatment.

Which anti-ageing option is the best one for you? TheFuss.co.uk

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Laser Skin Tightening

Using light-based energy, aesthetic lasers target the dermis or middle layer of skin to heat the cells. As the cells heat, the skin contracts in response while the cells are stimulated into creating fresh elastins and collagen. The tightening of the skin results are immediate where the collagen production may take as many as six months to finish. It means you will be seeing improvements in your skin for months to come. This minimally invasive treatment works well on mild wrinkles and skin laxity. By using non-ablative lasers, the recovery time is short as is the risk.

Another laser option is to use ablative lasers to resurface the skin. It vaporises the damaged skin cells on the epidermis or surface of the skin. This method will work on moderate wrinkles and skin laxity but comes with a longer recovery time and risk of infection.

Choosing An Option

Before selecting an option, discuss your treatment options with your primary care physician or dermatologist. Knowing your specific needs, they can suggest the best procedure to get the results you want and may also recommend the best clinic for you.

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