03456 710 709
When you phone the number you will be asked about what they can do to help and you may be transferred to a different department, regarding your query. But Superdrug will do their utmost to help you whether it’s problems with voucher codes, checking if you qualify for VAT relief, faulty items, or tracking your delivery.
You can contact the team about incidents that may have happened in store or a delivery from an order you have made online. When you speak to them on the phone you will want to give a detailed account of your complaint, and explain how you would like to have it rectified.
Health & Beautycard
Calling this number is important if you notice that there are missing points on your account, and you can also request a new card to be sent out to you if you lost your current one.
The Health & Beautycard allows you to earn points on purchases with Superdrug, so you can call this number to get an accurate update of the points you have available, and when they will expire too.
When you speak to the representative they will be able to guide you through any job opportunities available in your area, as well as the deadline date for application and what you need to do to apply.
When you call this number you can get the opening times of your nearest pharmacy, as these are usually different to the store opening times.
When you phone this number you can also request to make an appointment with one of the trained travel nurses or pharmacists in one of the selected stores.