01606 811863
Phoning this number will connect you to people who can help you with problems that you might be having shopping online. You can also use this number if a particular code isn’t working for you as you try to check out.
If you are looking to partner and work with The Hut you can also call this number to enquire about the steps you need to take.
Phone this number also if you wish to find out able the latest vacancies on offer with the brand. The representative will be able to disclose the latest job offerings, what they entail and when the closing date for the vacancy is.
Customer service
When you phone this number you can also enquire about stock levels of particular items and ask if certain items will come back into stock.
When you phone the number give as much detail about the problem as possible and The Hut will aim to resolve the matter for you as quickly as possible.
Returns and refunds
If you are looking to return an order or a single item, you will need to contact The Hut customer service team on the number above to request a returns authorisation number – not having this number makes your process take longer and more difficult to process.
When you phone the number to return your item, you will need to know your order number and let them know which item it is you want to return and the reason why you want to return it. They will then provide you with a unique returns authorisation number and all of the necessary information to arrange the return.