0333 7591 018

When you phone this number you will be directed to the right department needed for your query and the customer service team will do their best to help with your request.

You can use this number to find out the latest deals and packages on offer with Sky and sign up to a new package with the provider, or upgrade your current one.

Phoning the head office number can also provide you will information on what to do if you’re having trouble with your access to your Sky packages.

Sky Cancellation

When you phone the number you will no doubt be offered a number of incentives to keep you with Sky, but if you would like to cancel your current package be firm that you will be cancelling your subscription. They will also ask you as to why you are cancelling the Sky service, in a bid to learn what the problems are, and aim to improve them in the future.

Sky TV


You can also use this number to contact them if you are currently experiencing connectivity problems if you have a Sky package. You might also want to use this number to add HD channels to your package, or if you can’t access HD channels despite the fact that you’re paying for them.

When you phone Sky TV it’s worthwhile to have your customer number to hand to ensure that they can access your account quickly and can solve any problems you might be experiencing efficiently.

Sky Mobile


The person on the phone will then be able to help you with a number of matters, whether it’s getting new contract, a new phone, any problems you are having with your current one, as well as any payments you would like to make or query.

Sky Talk


You can use this number if you would like to get a phone line installed into your home if you are having problems with current connectivity or would like to see if there are any upgrades you can have on your current deal.



When you phone the number they will ask for various details about your complaint and will aim to resolve it whilst you're on the phone. In some instances, this might not be possible, but they will endeavour to ensure your complaint is answered efficiently.